zaterdag 16 augustus 2014


dipper (by Chris Moore)
The season is ending. Tourism drops and so does the business. July was a very good period, august however is the turning point towards another season with less customers and weather, heading for autumn. The weather is doubting wether it will warm my creaky bones or not. Clients keep out now, as expected in the short season here, but other "creatures" appear. My otter, this week,  hopped across my property again and a whole family of minks, climbing the rocks and playing around. On land, but also in the fjord. They can swim like their relative, the otter (lutra lutra).
This morning, while sitting on my terrace and pondering a bit about the time ahead and how to spend it, I saw a dipper. Of which I wondered if there were any overhere. A funny bird with his white chest and his dipping behaviour. I have seen many of them while fly fishing for trout in Luxemburg and France. And it makes me happy to see it.....even here,  300 km above the polar circle.  And so do the other birds. Eagles, mergansers and guillemots and lots of other regular visitors.
It is fun to have some spare time now to enjoy the beautiful things around me. More quiet in business and so I have more time to enjoy Norway. After all, that was my drive to come here. Not to work my guts out, that I could have done at home in the Netherlands. Although I have had a busy period, with its great things. Meeting nice an happy people  in my restaurant.
Just now, when nature takes the place of guests… or do I just notice now because there is some spare time…. I am sliding into the summer's after-party considering how to experience it and keep on going. “Hunting and gathering” like the dipper is doing, seems to be something from the past, but in fact I have to practice a modern version of it! How to prepare for winter? Unfortunately "filthy lucre" is needed. Even in this paradise, maybe even esp. here. So I have to take care of that. And I will, one way or another. But beside being busy with gathering some means of living I will take time to enjoy,  while inhaling Norway! Enjoying the peaceful- and quietness here while realizing there are so many places where different lives are being lead and unfortunately suffered!

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